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WANTED: Parts for a 1995 Honda del sol
Wanted parts for a 1995 Honda del sol. Car runs great but was damaged in the front and needs fenders, hood, radiator, bumper and air bags. Can be reached at 735- 4930 and ask for Dave or Zach.

WANTED: Children to babysit!
I am a stay at home mom of 2, looking for some children to watch. I can watch children monday-saturday. You drop them off and pick them up. $5 an hour for 1 child, $8 an hour 2 children. I honestly don't think i could handle more than two at a time. If you supply their food it's only $5 an hour for one if you don't its $7 an hr for one. $8 for two if you do $10 for 2 if you don't. Or we can set a weekly rate, which we can discuss and figure out an affordable amount. For more info just email me at

WANTED: Signet Year Books
Signet Year Books, 1957 and 1958. Also, wanted a Dexter Letter Tiger Jacket from the 50's.
Send email to Lorna:

Craig's Classifieds
122 Number 10 Road
Dexter, Maine 04930
(207) 924-3067
The Daily Me * 122 Number 10 Road * Dexter, Maine 04930 * 207.924.3067

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