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To the Editor,
Friday, April 19, 2013
I grew up in the town of Dover-Foxcroft for most of my life, graduating from Foxcroft Academy in 2007. During my time in school, I had big dreams to move to a larger city, and so I did. Having lived, played and worked in the town of Dover, sometimes it can seem like there isn’t much to do, or maybe that you’ve done it all. Fortunately, there is a great group of people in the community working around the clock to put together events through out the year for the citizens of Piscataquis county, as well as visitors and vacationers, and although I choose not to reside in my hometown anymore, I find myself driving back more and more for each of the events that take place.

One of my fondest memories from high school, was taking long drives with my Mom, Jody Arno, after school. Sometimes it would be just to listen to the radio, other times it would be to talk about our day, and on several occasions, it was to look for a giant piece of grass for balloons to land. The dream for the Piscataquis Heritage Balloon Festival started many years ago, and although nay-sayers thought it would never happen, it’s floating on the horizon. On May 31st, June 1st and June 2nd, Dover-Foxcroft will be home to almost a dozen hot air balloons, filling the sky with color and excitement. The event has not only gotten the locals excited, but now hundreds of people from around the state and even New England are marking their calendars for the three day festival.

As someone who grew up, and then left Dover-Foxcroft, it’s been a joy to help out on the committee, and feel apart of the community again. One thing about people from Maine, is that we feel immense pride in our state and the towns or cities we live in or come from. I’m proud to say that I went to Foxcroft Academy when someone asks, and now I’m proud to say that our town is home to some of the best festivals in the state.

I look forward to seeing what the future brings for my hometown as well as the state of Maine, because with a dream and a little perseverance, we can make anything happen.

Aspen Maquera

To The Editor:
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Meeting in Garland
I am writing to you about an informational meeting that was held on Saturday 2/23/13 at the Garland Grange. The meeting was attended by over 100 people from Garland and surrounding towns, hoping to get more information about the east/west corridor project. Unfortunately, no one from Cianbro attended to provide more information from their prospective. Honestly, it really didn't matter. The overwhelming consensus is that this project needs to be stopped dead in its tracks.

My wife and I are recent transplants to the area after having lived most of our lives in southern New England, and in Maryland for a short time. We came to Maine because we believe in the state slogan that says, "The Way Life Should Be". We came here, as I believe most who do that come "from away", to live a life more connected to our neighbors, our planet, our community, and to one another. We no longer wanted the hustle and bustle of city life, with the noise, congestion, and pollution that goes along with it.

Now, before we've even been able to truly "set down our roots" this proposed corridor threatens to rip it away. Regardless of our feelings, it was hard to watch the raw emotions of those who spoke about the possibility of losing their way of life, and potentially their homes. Some were near tears, including one gentleman who spoke passionately about living in the close knit community of Garland.

We intend to have our voices heard. We will not go silently. But, we can only hope that our elected officials in Augusta and in DC are listening. This project is not the answer to the economic whoas of this state. This project will only serve to destroy the state and its natural resources. This project will not attract "young people" to stay here in Maine. This project isn't going to make Maine the "playground for the wealth". Let's not have to change the state slogan to say, "The Way Life Once Was, But Was Taken Away By Big Business And Destroyed"!

The east/west corridor is an environmental disaster in the making, the size of which none of us has ever seen. And sadly, it will be the residents of Maine who will be left to deal with the consequences.

Please print this letter in the hopes that others will see it and take action against the east/west corridor!

Thank you,
Garland, Maine

Map & letter found in the Eastern Gazette of the proposed East West Corridor

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