Feature 13 - September 14, 2001
September 11th Call to Pray
God has his hand on this great vast land
even though tragedies happen that we can't understand.
God has his hand through chaos and sorrow,
God has his hand on the unknown tomorrow.
Let us cast our cares on Him
and pray for the victims, families, and friends.
Pray for a peace, pray for heart's mend.
Let this be a call to pray for calmness and peace,
Pray for the nation as a whole, pray for one and each.
Pray for courage and for comfort
pray for strangers who mourn in pain,
Pray for those unknown to us
to believe in God's power and name.
Let this be a call to pray
for those hurting souls to look above,
Let us pray for the people to see
God's everlasting grace and love.
Let this be a call to pray,
Not just for today, but everyday.
In God We Trust and Peace be in you
Written by Carol Swanson of Portland