September 2005
When I left that day in 68,
I assured you "I will come home"
I knew I had a job to do,
A very important one at that
Nervous I was, but afraid not
I knew what I needed to do
If my leaving allowed you to stay,
I knew I had to go
Dear brothers, don't frown, don't be sad
For I promise you....
"I will come home"
I could not come home yet
As the time was just not right
Thus I depended on you dear brothers
For Mom & Dad, they needed you
To be strong and see them through
What was sure to be some painful days
But dear brothers, do not frown,
For the time will come, when
"I will come home"
Many years passed but
The time still was not quite right
Mom & Dad, they joined me instead.
And all these years, we've watched
With proud hearts, the men you've become
How you never lost faith that
"I will come home"
Then slowly my *brothers* & I realized
Our job was coming to a close
A new dawn had arrived, it was time
For those who never gave up the wait
For those who always cared
For those who always said
"they will come home"
It was time to do just that.
The time had come, we were tired & worn
We need the warmth of our loved ones near
When I left I said "I will come home"
I never said when, as I did not know
It wasn't up to me, nor anyone else
It was always up to HIM, it always was.
He heard your prayers, he set us free
So my brothers dear, my promise fullfilled
Dry those tears for you see
"I am coming home"
This poem was written in honor of a MIA who was one of the MIA's recently brought home from Viet Nam after 37 yrs.
For more about this MIA visit: http://www.geocities.com/yankeetenn/powmia/index.html