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Greater Maine Amputee Network Meeting
Monthly Meeting: Greater Maine Amputee Network Meeting
When: 1st Friday of each month from 1pm -2pm
Where: Maine General Hospitals Thayer Campus in the Dean Auditorium, Wheelchair Accessible
Be-Com-Fit Senior Luncheons
Guilford – Every Tuesday 12Noon-1:30, Community Fitness offers a Potluck Senior Luncheon featuring various guest speakers, games, and social time. 31 High St. 876-4813. If you don’t cook, don’t worry, come on in anyway!
Adult Bereavement Group
Dover-Foxcroft: Adult Bereavement Group held first and third Thursday of each month from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Pine Tree Hospice office, 883 West Main Street, FMI call 564-4346.
Dexter Town Hall open to Walkers
Town Hall will be open for walking beginning on November 9th from 7AM-3PM. It will also be open from 5:30-7PM on Monday and Tuesday nights.
Alzheimer's Support Group
The Alzheimer's Support Group in Dexter meets on the second Thursday of each month upstairs at St. Annes Parish Center. Meetings are held from 1:30 to 3 PM. The next meeting is planned on Thursday, January 8th. St. Annes Parish Center is located on Free Street in Dexter. Call Barbara at 924-5546 for more information.
Dexter Food Cupboard Distribution
1st and 3rd Saturdays: Dexter Food Cupboard Distribution 9:00am at First Free Baptist Church, 130 Spring Street, Dexter
TOPS Meetings
TOPS Meeting Every Wednesday Evening at Dexter Fire Station - Weigh in 5:30 - 6:10 - Meeting 6:10 - 7:00
TOPS Meetings
TOPS meetings 9 am on Wed. mornings at the First Free Baptist church on Spring Street. The yearly dues is $24.00 and the weekly dues is $1.00 each week. Anyone interested may call Dawn Laurent 924-5997 or Laura Laurent 924-5906.
Meals for ME
Meals for Me at the Dexter Town Hall Senior Center Tues and Thurs, serving time around 12:00pm (lunch time)
They ask for at least a $3 donation, more if you can. After lunch, they play cribbage and cards.
For more information the Meal site is 924-7624 and ask for Jill Jones.
You must call 1-800-462-9899, the day before, to make a reservation so they know how many meals to prepare.
Takeout and pick is available, let them know, when you call, if you need takeout.
Some home delivery is available, ask when you call!!
Free legal consultation
WomanCare, the local domestic violence project in Piscataquis county, is offering a free legal consultation with a lawyer from the PenQuis law project on Wednesdays from 9am – 12pm at the WomanCare office and on the
last Wednesday of the month in Greenville at the C.A. Dean Memorial Hospital.
This free consultation is for WomanCare clients dealing with legal issues that pertain to family matters (divorce, parental rights & responsibilities, post judgment motions) and protection from abuse orders.
If you are interested in a free consultation or would like to speak to a domestic violence advocate for any reason, please call WomanCare at 564-8165
Dexter Grange #155
Dexter Grange #155 - Dexter SCOUTS Home
Meets: 7:PM, 2nd Wednesday of each month.
At: Hall, 2 Church St (by Dexter Police Station)
(6:PM supper for members and guests, donations of food and money accepted)
Grange Master & Lecturer: Allan & Elaine Thomas 924-6885